Mine Furniture Addon

by Fun Dan Apps



This is a really great addon which includes 20+ different furniture. Each furniture has a different use such as sitting or some kind of interaction (e.g. storage or trading). For example, the radio can be used for playing songs and the fridge can be used for storing food items. But the main and most important part is the fact that they look really good and can also be used just as decorations for your builds. How to obtain furniture?You can now trade Furniture Items by finding or spawning a Villager and interact it with a Bit-Emerald to spawn a Furniture Seller.How to use the DL Box for spawning furniture?Place down a DL Box and then use any of the furniture items to build the furniture (long press on the box). The DL Box replaces the shulker and that means you will need to use get a shulker spawn egg (or type /summon shulker) to spawn it. Some furniture also replace blocks, so those you can find by using the creative inventory. You can find a full list of furniture further down on this page. In this case, I built a radio. Different furniture have different features. The radio can be used for playing a song but youll need a CD for that.